
Life lately: Hey there, Succies!

Months ago, I stumbled upon this post from a girl named Meryl selling her cute succulents to support her kidney transplant. So I gladly purchased six pots thinking at least I am part of her cause and her getting better. All I wanted was to help and I didn’t realize I’m going to get hooked being a so-called #plantita.

succulents 1 - themhayonnaise

All of the plants I got from Meryl already died, because apparently, succulents have different needs compared to other garden plants. Succies are low maintenance, meaning you don’t have to do anything about them (water, expose to sun, etc) every dingle day. They like being left alone for days because they’re that independent. #SanaAll

Since the quarantine I got myself into different hobbies (which I looooove by the way) from painting, binge-watching, reading books, drawing, cooking, and now taking care of these green babies. I just don’t have time to update on my blog everything about my life lately because aside from these stress-reliever activities, I was also occupied by work and by my baby monster, Mnemo. But hey, I’m still alive and I still blog! So visit and stay connected with me here:

I also have a new page for my being plantita they you may find interesting. I created a separate page for it because I plan to make it a business soon, but I haven’t promoted it yet on any of my platforms except here and not even to my friends because I’m still building and painting my pots. By the way, if you’re also a CnS enthusiast or interested to be one, buzz me in my inbox and let’s talk about our lovey dovies! I don’t charge for the chit chat, of course.

A quick disclaimer: I’m a newbie plant mom and I still have a looooooot to learn. I realized, same with most of the stuff in adult life, watching tutorials or vlogs on YouTube really helps but experiencing it first hand is really the key. No matter how much you learn from others, if you don’t apply it on your own you won’t actually learn. So here’s a friendly newbie tip: WATCH, PRACTICE, AND LEARN.

Below is a photo of my propagating tray two weeks ago. Lesson number one: water propagation is faster but roots are not that strong and leaves are not always super healthy. Lesson number two: do not put your leaves on the soil right after you pick them. Put them on a dry tissue and make the leave super dry. It usually takes weeks (some lucky green-thumbed fairies have it before one week) but it’s more effective than putting them all on the soil right away. You only lay them on their soil bed when they pop their pups already.

Well that’s my life lately plus Mnemo and work. For more updates on my plant follow my page right there ^ or my Instagram @themhayonnaise. I’m not sure when I’ll be posting about plants again because as mentioned I’m too busy with Mnemo, work, and painting my pots so ciao!

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