#LockdownDiaries: here’s a birthday blog
That’s right! It’s my birthday today and I’m already 28 (and proud)! And there’s another special thing happened today – I LAUNCHED MY NEW WEBSITE! From themhayonnaiseonline.com, I finally moved to a self-hosted blog, themhayonnaise.com!
It’s been two fun years since I activated themhayonnaiseonline, and I thank you, my visitors and readers, for giving it a wonderful life. I thought it’s too late for a move, but after listing the pros and cons, I decided to take the risk. You reach me here, so I guess it’s going to be okay? *crossed fingers*
The gift of giving
Please know that even when our table is full of delicious food, we are aware and deeply concerned to those that have nothing on their plates. If only we could afford to give them all one by one, we would. But what we can do for now is give assistance to those that we can actually reach. Yes, we give little things, and we skipped all cash assistance because we know there are families that are more in need.
I’m not telling you this to boast. I don’t even post what we do on social media. I don;t take pictures of them. I don’t react on their posts. I’m mentioning this on my blog to protect myself and my family from people who are negatively imposing we’re “privileged” and “not helping”. FYI. We help with the little things we can.

Celebrating health, life, and all of the blessings
If today was just an ordinary birthday, my birthday blog post would be how thankful I am for all the material things I can afford, the places I’ve traveled so far in 28 years, or the progress I’ve made in my career. All those, let’s admit it, are the usual things we are always thankful for. But can we be honest how this pandemic and the ECQ made us realize the more important things to be thankful for?
I thank God and myself for taking good care of my body and health. Thank Him for waking me up for another day. I thank Him for giving me something to stress about which in the end allows me to buy things. Thanks to the company I work with for not stopping grinding for their patients and associates. And big thanks to my family who (even they’re annoying at times) are very supportive to me being a single working mom. Thanks to Mnemo for existing.

I don’t know how to close this post, but again, HELLO, THEMHAYONNAISE.COM! I’m so happy you’re already live!

Sza @ Love From Sza
Happy Birthday! I wish you have more happy and marvelous days to come! More blessings to you and your kid. ♥️
Jirah Merizz
I’m so glad I found your blog through my friend, Nath! <3 I'm also a Filipina blogger! Congratulations on getting self-hosted! I have really been planning to do it too but I'm still researching on what self-hosting site would be the most suitable for me. 🙂
Happy birthday! I wish you all the best! <3
Thank you so much! <3
Thanks, Jirah! (Also thanks to Nath!) Yep, you really should weigh the pros and cons of each one! I’m building my own review of Bluehost and maybe finish it by few months after my blog’s launch. <3