I tested positive, btw
I tested positive for COVID19 and I needed to go on isolation for 14 days. And yes, I am fully vaccinated a month before. But don’t worry, I’m good now and fully recovered. 🙂
We now all know that vaccines are not cure and cannot shield you 100%. But I am very thankful I got both jabs before I got the live virus. I was a bit late, actually, because I asked for reschedule more than thrice. If you’re a Filipino or a citizen in Pinas, you know how loooong it took before the majority started to get vaccinated because of the priorities and categories and how “well” the vaccination was planned and executed. That’s how loooooong I was waiting for my schedule plus few more weeks because I couldn’t risk leaving home for hours of long lines because the fam needed me especially my mom and Mnemo.
I knew my body and immune system are weak that I am honestly not ~that~ surprised that I could get it. I mean, my sick leave allocations are usually sulit even before Q4 – for flu, fever, body ache, etc. But I was the one doing the groceries and I sometimes need decent place to work in so I go to the office at least 1-2 days a week, so…

We don’t have enough room at home and I didn’t want to expose anyone else from the fam any further. My dad is hypertensive (and has CKD), my mom’s still recovering from stroke, my brother is also hypertensive, one of my sisters was diagnosed as obese. My other sis is actually the healthiest among us, however she needs to go to the office as she leads their team and the operations. And did I mention I have a three-year-old?
So I knew I needed to request for an isolation room from the LGU.
It was Sunday night (I won’t forget!) when I started to feel not-so-okay. I didn’t think it will be COVID, because I was expecting my time of the month that week. But come Monday morning, I wasn’t okay anymore. I went downstairs from my room to my Mother’s to change her diapers but I just couldn’t that I cried on her tummy “hindi nga ako okay huhuhu“. And then the fever came, the colds, dry cough, and we we’re keeping the positive mind that this was just a regular flu (since it’s still flu season). Tuesday afternoon, I realized I couldn’t taste my food anymore, I couldn’t smell anything anymore. And note that I am a foodie and very particular with flavors (or at least the basics), and my nose is a sensitive baby who hates smells stronger than a baby colonge. No, colognes are strong for me already, tbh.

My stay in the isolation facility was nice, thankfully. I was expecting less (because let’s be honest, what do you expect when you hear “isolation facility in PH?) Good thing I was sent to a nice facility with my own closed room, air-conditioned, and I also have my private bathroom. Though the flash was inconvenient but still.
There’s also food provided for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Though I didn’t appreciate it that much on my first few days because I was “tasteless” (??) but still thankful, of course. drinking water as well is provided and they also have hot and cold water dispensers working for each aisle of containers which is good for my coffee-addict self that I really became a fan of when I started to get back my senses.

It was boring, though. And I know I should be grateful I am bored and not busy fighting for some oxygen or something. I got the vaccine, and I believe it was one factor I didn’t get severe to critical conditions. For the first time, I realized boredom is a blessing. But still, I need to move my body and use my brain to make them NOT forget functioning. Aside from house chores (lol), I still went online for work, few hours a day. I also walked (not too much though) outside the room in the morning. I finished Hell’s Kitchen Season 20 on Netflix, and a Matt Haig book and started another Fredrik Backman fiction. I wanted my stay there to be productive as much as I could. If not for work and if not for my family, then just for myself.

It was a loooong 14 days, but I’m glad I was able to use sometime to be alone and reflect. I’ve had too many realizations during that two-week away from home, and I’m glad I have recorded some clips of my days. Now I am finally back outside to continue hustling and learning and appreciating little (and big!!!) things.

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