Yes! I finally found my mommy hashtag! See, this is one of the reasons why I love myself. I’m crazy.
I’ve been using my online alias for almost nine years already. Thanks to the Tumblr people who made me come up to such username. Now I’m so attached to it I cannot think of something better. It’s like I’m already married to this name. Whatever. Anyway, hello, readers! How’s life?
I still have less than a month before I go back to work. And aside from being a mom and recovering from CS and procrastinating about other things I planned to do while on leave, I’ve also done a lot of thinking about all my life’s drama.
Huh. See, that’s also my problem. I’m crazy, and I overthink ~a lot~ that most people usually don’t understand me anymore. I know it won’t do any help, so now I’m just trying to live by the moment and focus on Toyang and the people and things I love instead.
Good news is I got a schedule for Toyang’s baptism at the Manila Cathedral. Hoo! This is one of my favorite churches not just because of the name and history, but for the architecture and designs. So I overcame the hassle and even moved the date, all for the love of one of my favorite cathedral and all for Mnemosyne.
I also found a very nice restaurant and reserved few hours for the guests’ lunch. Waaah! Intramuros never fails to make me fall in love!

Another good news is I got my mind back on track. It’s good to have those ideas flowing again. I mean, for the last 9 or 10 months I had this thing they call “mom brain”. Now I can assist the office team remotely, I now have overflowing ideas on what to write or to paint, I’m not that forgetful anymore, but I am easy to distract. Lol.

Going out with Toyang also helps. This kid really inspires me to do better from taking care of her, to house chores, to doing my stuff, and plan for investments. Wait did I say investments? My “kid at heart” is finally growing up!
I don’t know what else to say. I just wanted to post my pictures and start using my official mom hashtag.
But just a quick share: I am currenlty reading another Hoover and watching FRIENDS on Netflix. And since rainy days are here, I’d like to thank my diffuser and my all-time lover, Mr. coffee, for when Toyang is asleep and I have no one else to play with. Ah. I super love my life.
