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    30 things to do before I turn 30

    UPDATED: July 6, 2018 Have you ever had a bucket list? I always try listing what I want to do in life, but I don’t have the courage or will or the commitment to do all of them. One day I think making a list is nice, the next day I feel stupid like why do I even list things I just “used to” like? But anyways, having something to look forward to is nice. Hoookay… Now that something I definitely thought would happen actually happened, I have to do what I promised myself. And by “what” I mean a list of to-dos I should have done when I was…

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    Newest and last

    It’s been months, I think, since I last had a dream… or remembered my dream. According to Psychology, dreams are natural and everyone are having dreams everytime they sleep. The only difference among us is how many of those dreams each of us recall upon awakening. I am one of those people who often remember her dreams. It’s almost everyday that I have new story about what happened in those dreams. And usually, I am in a familiar place, with familiar people. The best dream so far Last night, I finally got my mind back to work. Up to this minute, I can still recall every detail of my dream.…