Week 28: Hello, thirdie!
I’m in my 28th week already as of writing, almost there and ready to pop! Lol, of course I still feel nervous and unprepared, but whatever. Ready or not, Toyo’s coming and I’m moooore than excited to see her.
Aside from the usual (and unusual) contractions, what keeps me busy these days is planning and preparing for the baby shower. Yes, first time “office work” dropped to fourth priority (but of course I need my job!) bec I’m not only using the #adulting anymore, I’m now also G for #parenting. I don’t want my first motherhood party just be a waste of time. I’m honestly excited to share my preps here, too. But surprises are keys to party fun, you know.
I just passed the second trimester (which most Moms say the most fun, and it really was) and now just entered the third trimester (which Moms say the most terrible). So I need to take more (AS IN MOOORE) care for myself and the baby. Nakakanerbyos, lalo na kapag nababalitaan ko some of my preggy friends popped earlier than expected. I’m having too many “what ifs” like what if maaga din ako manganak? what if di pa ko physically ready? what if nasa office ako or somewhere going to or from the office tas naramdaman ko yung sakit? Scary thoughts, but honestly, you have to ask yourself also, to make yourself ready for anything. At least kapag nangyari yon sayo on an unexpected time, you have an idea what to do like (lessons learned):
- setting your emergency contacts in your phone
- ALWAYS have your phone fully charged, and better to bring a powerbank just to be sure
- ALWAYS bring your phone
What to expect?
Thanks again for loaning me this book, Nadine. This is where I got most of what I know about pregnancy. Thanks also to the What to Expect app. The most helpful app for me right now – it helps you monitor your pregnancy (ave. size of your baby, what to expect, what to learn, tools and things to use, etc.) They also have a blog and forum which is also very helpful.
They say 7th and 8th months are the scariest or the most complicated. Body aches and mood swings and almost every pregnancy symptoms are worst during these months. Another reason why I need to discuss more about pregnancy with my OB, and Mom friends, and read more articles, books, etc. just to absorb these unfamiliar things I need to know.
- Stronger and more frequent fetal activity
- Achiness in the lower abdomen or along the sides
- Constipation
- Headaches, faintness, dizziness
- Bleeding gums
- Leg cramps
- Swelling of ankle, feet, hands, face
- Varicose veins
- Difficulty in sleeping
- Scattered Braxton Hicks contractions
- Increasing fatigue
- Increasing excitement (excited for the baby shower and our launch in the office, I dreamt about balloons, scary balloons, attached to my preggy belly. weird.)
- Increasing apprehension about motherhood, baby’s health, and labor, and delivery
- CONTINUED ABSENTMINDEDNESS (I even forgot what to write as an update here so I’m just using the book and the app as guides)
- Increased dreaming and fantasizing about the baby (told you..)

To be honest, this pregnancy thingy is still not sinking in to me. Some mornings, I wake up and instead of checking my phone first (yeah, that’s what most of the millenials do), the first thing my hands look for is my belly. Am I really pregnant? Is my baby still here or it was just a long dream? This bump isn’t getting tired of answering “Good morning, Nanay. Yes, I’m here. Look, I can already kick and jump and rock and roll.” Sobrang likot.
The feeling really is different and very touching. Sometimes, you’ll get nervous, scared. But most of the times, you feel excited and in love and loved as well. Just feeling a life inside you is super life-changing, na parang you’re full of love at mas matindi pa sa “apaw apaw” na love mo sa jowa mo. Now I understand what my sister-in-law was saying, na at random times, mapapasabi ka nalang ng I love you. Which I can relate to, bec me saying those words is very rare.