starbucks organizer 2021
Art,  Love, May

Getting ready for 2021: I finally got my Starbucks Organizer!

I finally got my Starbucks organizer and I’m proud I earned it! I’ve been using Starbucks planners for N years now and it’s actually super useful and convenient for monitoring my daily tasks and plans. I know there are a loooot of brands offering planners and notebooks at a cheaper price, so why do we bother collecting stickers from luxury coffee?

I looove coffee and different mixes of it that my tolerance to caffeine is almost high and it doesn’t affect my sleeping patterns anymore. Yeah, hindi ko sya pampagising. However, drinking coffee also makes my brain work better for 2-3 hours – more focused, attentive, fast-thinking. So it’s like it boosts my brain for hours, tires it, making me feel sleepy. So I drink more than 1 cup a day to maintain my wakefulness and keep my brain in the zone.

blogging in starbucks

We have the privilege to work from home ever since, but since the community quarantine we’ve been encouraged to work at home more. But admit it, working from home is far from easy and cozy. The work from home set up was fun at first because I don’t have to wake up at 4am to prep and travel to work.But eventually (up until now), it exhausts me more. And sometimes, I cannot separate my work “stuff” from home “stuff” anymore because…HOW???? So from time to time, I go out and work at the office or at a nice cafe just to change my environment and make myself focus more. Thanks to lola and tita for being Mnemo’s second moms!

starbucks coffee
starbucks coffee
starbucks organizer 2021

My fave mix: single venti dark mocha frappe with soy milk and no whip! I like having my coffee with some pastries as well (chicken fajita is sooo good!) or finger food from outside like this Bonchon Korean chicken I super looooove or Mcdo’s nuggets!

Yep, they allow outside food but meals nor pizza. I learned that personally. Lol.

starbucks coffee

I’m not a solid SB goer and I enjoy and love other coffee houses as well. But I’m a Starbucks customer ever since, so even outside Christmas or sticker season, I go to SB and enjoy my usual cup of coffee worth 290php. But why are you spending too much, May, since you have your own coffee maker at home anyways??

People spend “too much” not just for the cup of coffee. I, personally, consider the nice place where I work peacefully, a nice ambience, and time to do all my tasks for the day. All there I cannot have when I’m at home, honestly. So yeah, I go here not just for the aesthetics  and trusted brand, but more like renting (haha) a nice office seat for when I need it.

starbucks organizer 2021

For 2021, I decided to try digital planning as a small step (because I still got myself an organizer lol) to being paperless. I am actually used to reviewing both work and school documents from physical prints and jotting notes on notebooks and sticky notes, so it’s really a challenging switch. I started practicing this November and still polishing my digital notebook template which I sure will share here once ready.

I got the organizer so I could just dump ideas there when I don’t have my gadgets with me. I like that the notebook is so handy, it’s slim but it’s still comfy to write on. It also has full year calendar for 2021 and 2022 so you can actually use this until 2022. It has blank and dotted pages and comes with four vouchers, one sticker sheet, and one bookmark as well.

starbucks organizer 2021 pouch black starbucks reserve
starbucks organizer 2021 calendar 2022
How about you?

How about you? Are you also collecting stickers for a planner? Let me know if you have a secret recipe you can recommend and leave a comment below!

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