Drawings, paintings, journals, tips on art
Photo Dump: Dailies
I mentioned I was looking for a platform where I could keep and share my daily snaps just like a photo diary, open for all. Don’t worry, fellas. I don’t share my life story 100%. There’s sooo much more behind these blog posts, those IG stories, and those VSCO snaps. Yep, talking about VSCO, I’m sharing one of my newest album, Dailies. It’s basically an album of my daily snaps and short stories edited in my fave, Unfold App, and dumped and kept in my love, VSCO. It’s just recently when I realized I can actually make a photo journal using this app and theough this account I can share…
Getting my journaling mojo back + some realizations
It’s been more than just a month since I last updated my personal analog journal and I thought I already lost the mojo for it and for art, in general. Aside from not having enough time, I also needed to stay away from life’s drama and try to survive. Haha! Good thing is we just got our new printer and I’ve been on the printing spree already for weeks now collecting print-outs for the journal. It’s fun though, and God bless the internet for giving us unlimited printables and tips on just making yourself busy journaling. Some people ask, what’s in journaling that makes it so important that it takes…
Paperang update + journaling tips + journal flip-through
Hello, guys! I am posting this update as a “thank you” for the continued support and viewing of my previous review about the Paperang printer. Many were asking “are the printed pictures still okay?”, “aren’t they fading?”, etc etc. Well so far, I have no issues about the cutest printer. In fact, I am using it more often now. Frequently asked questions Do your prints fade easily? Good thing I am using a good-quality thermal paper I bought along with the printer. It is thicker than the ordinary one (free roll), it is glossy-type, and sticker-type, best for journaling. It’s more expensive, though, but worth it especially if you are looking…
Journal throwback + Tips on personal journaling
Hello, readers! Last time, I mentioned we are on an ongoing project at home – de-cluttering and redesigning our room – to make space for Toyo. And guess where we are now…..uhm yeah still there. (Lol) During the past holidays, I had time to re-scan my old journals I found during the clean-up. Why the hell I write on journals??? There are things that are too personal to share, but nothing for my daily journals. I write everything in them. They’re like an “idea dump” notebook, except those are not just ideas, but are my actual and most honest thoughts, feelings, and personal stories. It’s really just cute and touching (and funny,…
My journaling process + some tips and resources
I’ve been receiving messages re my blog and my journal. And it feels nice to inspire you to get started and to the same. Thank you so much for appreciating the things I’ve been sharing. Earlier today I woke up with an idea of sharing my journaling process since a number of my readers are asking how do I do and maintain my cute notebook. Lol, yes. My journal is a little fancy for a 25-year-old and a mom-to-be to maintain. Some (including me) expect a more minimalistic personal diary, but I can’t help but use wonderful colors and cute patterns. You’ll feel me, too, soon you start writing Know…