Life lately: my little ways to live life with purpose
I’ve been trying to get back to the way how I wrote my stories on the blog as I did it before – super casual like just telling a story to a friend – but I think I just lost my creative juice since I started juggling my mom and work tasks. It’s true 24 hours isn’t enough for adults and it’s true trying
Not that I don’t have back logs anymore (I have tons from the past year that are past due, I’m not sure if I need to post them anymore lol), but I just don’t feel like writing too much of something I can’t even do myself today, if you get what I mean. This is a travel blog, and I also write about food from many places, which I rarely experience now. Plus, I don’t want to super actively promote going out these days. I don’t have direct responsibility to your health, but I just can’t.
A friend takes me out for roadtrips though and I think those would be a great content aside from some of the past trips to update my readers so maybe I’ll try to share our stories with you in the coming days. For now, let me just vent out about the things happening in my life right now.
P.S. This is a roller coaster of feelings and if you’re not interested about my personal life then off you go or visit my other articles at http://themhayonnaise.com/blog
Turning frustrations into inspirations
On my previous story I mentioned that I started a new hobby of taking care of and growing succulents. As of writing, I have 44 pots of plants minus some that are reserved to be bought. Yep, I sold most of them because I felt (still feeling, tbh) soooo frustrated and sad and angry at the rodents eating my succies. They already killed more than 3 pots and some of the plants in my ICU now have bite marks which I’m not sure would survive. Plus, not all of the fam support my greens so much, someone said “wala akong bilib dyan sa dahon mo” talking about my propagation tray. It hurt, so I just said “okay lang, hindi naman to sayo”. Like whuuuuut???

I’m not entirely quitting, I kept my favorites on hand and I just got eight more plants couple of weeks ago which I ordered last, last month. They’re suuuuper cute and I want to make them more stable before posting them online. Lol. I really hope they grow healthy and more beautiful and stay with me for yeeears!
Feeling the fear and taking the first small step
Aside from that purchase, I haven’t had any plant orders yet. Maybe I’ll get back to collecting more once we move to our new home. Ah yes, this is the first time I’m telling the internet I’m buying a house. We’re getting away from the noisy and messy Manila, which makes me sad but yay! So excited!

I honestly thought of getting my own unit even before Mnemo, but I thought I was too young for such financial responsibility (lol) so instead of investing in a property or getting an insurance or saving my money, I traveled (almost) around the country and ate a looooot of food. I don’t regret it though, I learned a lot from traveling and going out and meeting people. And gave birth to my first baby – THIS BLOG!
I thought having huuuuge bills auto-credited from your payroll was super scary. Hmm, okay, it’s scary. Sometimes I still think I’d go short but fortunately (the bright side of this ECQ-GCQ), I saved more. Another reason why my fam and I need to be extra careful – think about the bills!
Re-thinking my to do list
I just feel that it’s the right time for me to invest especially now that I already have a kid and I won’t like her to grow up in such a literally messy home, plus the pandemic and community quarantine made me save enough to start investing.
“Sana all”, I know. These days it’s been really difficult to almost all people to survive financially. We have financial issues, too. It’s just that in my “old normal” budgeting, there’s a portion that go out for travels and travel stuff which we know are not that cheap. Though I looked at it as investments as well to grow my travel blog, I don’t get money back from it yet. Even until now. So the money that usually go to those things, I saved and spent on reservation and downpayment of a house.
I’m roadtriping, though, within Manila or to nearby towns. I just don’t blog about them because as mentioned, I don’t feel comfortable to frequently share travel experiences during COVID. I’m a reader, too, and I know the feeling of “OMG gusto ko pumunta dyan muka namang safe kasi nakapunta nga si ____.” I don’t want to be a reason of why people go out in the midst of a pandemic.
In my past articles, I mentioned a disclaimer, which I don’t think people read (lol). Maybe there’s a way for me not to worry about people? Or is it just right to worry about them? I’m not sure anymore, but I will try to update this blog more and play safe with my sharing.

Speaking of sharing, I found this super nice website I wish you’d also like. Not that I’m not busy – lol I have audit work (and you know how busy audits get), I have a toddler, I read, I write, I watch Netflix, I draw, I paint, I attend online classes, – I just don’t like getting bored so when I found this address, I saved it right away. “Recommend Me A Book” is website which gives you an excerpt of a book while keeping the saying “do not judge a book by it’s cover” alive. Okay, you’re not a reader. Sorry, move along.
I know these past months (almost a year) has been super challenging to all of us. But it’s nice to sometimes turn our heads and look at the bright side. How about you? What are your thoughts about life lately?