April 18, 2018 1240H
A week ago, at exactly 12:40 in the afternoon, I gave birth to Mneme. It was, by far, the happiest day of my life. Imagine giving life to another human, all your selfishness will fade. Iisipin mo nalang lagi sya, anong gusto nya, anong maganda para sakanya, anong ikakabuti nya, and all. Having a child changed my way of seeing things and prioritizing them. Sobrang saya nung araw na yon. Well, aside from being nervous about how the doctor would cut through me (lol) and, of course, the worries for Mneme as she accepts the challenge of life. Especially when I heard her first cry, I literally felt my heart jump.…
Week 33: !!!
Yes, those three exclamation points basically summarize this post >> !!! Hello, sweethearts. So what’s new? Uhmm… a lot. Remember my previous update? Well here’s the list of the challenges I am having, just in case you’re too lazy or uninterested about my last post: Stronger and more frequent fetal activity Achiness in the lower abdomen or along the sides Constipation BLOATING Headaches, faintness, dizziness Bleeding gums Leg cramps BACKACHE Swelling of ankle, feet, hands, face Varicose veins ITCHY ABDOMEN Difficulty in sleeping Scattered Braxton Hicks contractions Increasing fatigue It was a good decision to schedule the baby shower last March 11. Because days after the party, those symptoms listed above leveled…
Our DIY baby shower #MnemeOnTheWay
I don’t usually write about my birthdays or other celebrations because they weren’t so much except from simple snacks and dinner with family and friends. Yep. this is our first time organizing an event for around 40 people (42 expected, 38 actual). I honestly didn’t expect many would come, so sorry if the venue was too small for you, guys. I thought many would say “ay pass muna!” but no, most of you were there and you even brought wonderful gifts. Thanks for being a part of my life, and joining me on this new chapter. People who know me think I am artsy and that this DIY party was an…