To all single moms, happy Fathers’ day!
I get it. It’s tough being a mom and a dad at the same time. I’m with you. Today is my first Father’s day being a single mom. To be honest, I feel sad everytime I feel alone at this. I know I have my family and friends, but having a partner is still different.
A partner is someone you can lean on, a source of your courage, one of the reasons why you’re still getting up mainly because he’s a man and he’s lazy for house chores so you have no choice but do it anyway. A partner is some that is just there when you need him. Someone whose presence is inspiring you every day.
Funny we don’t have that. Haha! But as a single mom, we inspire ourselves instead. It’s sad, but I think it’s great. Today let us appreciate ourselves being both our children’s mom and dad.

I get that right now you feel like questioning what you’ve gotten yourself into. And I get that feeling of self-pressure of having to do this by yourself. And that feeling of drowning in all the responsibilities as if no one is there to help or save you from it.
I understand the guilt you feel every day and the question of yourself being worthy if it. I get losing you sanity in a second, and I know the feeling of losing yourself as well. Sometimes, I call myself a failure, too.
Everytime I hear my daughter laugh even just a little, everytime I feel her lips on me, everytime I feed her, everytime she shuts up from crying her lungs out, I feel very proud. Even more proud than graduating from college or getting that job or maybe anything else. I feel proud being a mom.

“A dad is someone who holds you when you cry, scold you when you break the rules, shines with pride when you succeed, and has faith in you even when you fail.” I’d never be and never will be the best I could be, without you, Dad. I love you, my King, and I always will.
This ^ is one of my Fathers’ day posts for my dad. I feel guilty, though of not telling this to him personally. We just let him read. Hmm yeah, not a sweet daughter here. Hehe.
My dad, even though he wasn’t able to finish school, is one of the smartest person I know. He is my inspiration so I did good at school. He is my inspiration so I do good in my job. He is my inspiration to be a good dad myself to my kid.
“I’d never be and never will be the best I could be, without you, Dad. I love you, my King, and I always will.” Oh, how I wish my daughter have someone to say this to. But you know what? Being her Queen is enough.
So happy Fathers’ day to all single moms, and single dads, and to all of the Fathers at heart. I salute you and can never be more proud of you.
Also, I love you, dad. Thanks for always being an inspiration.
P.S. Please also take time to read this: http://themommymyway.com/2015/10/to-the-single-mom-with-a-newborn/