May Day: We find what we look for
I almost forgot I have this “May Day” blog category where I tag my life updates in case I am too lazy to write on my journal. Well, here I am again, updating my blog with super personal nonsense things as if my readers care. Oh, by the way, that’s how personal blogs work, right?
The previous week has been the busiest one I had since I gave birth. With all the work load and mommy duties, I thought I was nearly quitting. But God is indeed good and gave me more inspirations to live life to the fullest.
Anyway, before anything else, thanks for reading my previous post on Mental Health. It was my most-viewed post since I re-started my WP blog, and even until now, it’s still gaining what it’s worth. I am happy not just because I gained viewers, readers, and followers, but what makes me happier is that my pioneering post on MH actually reached a number of people I didn’t expect. I really hope my “speaking up” mood helps you guys in any way.
Also, sorry for writing some Filipino lines. I am aware I have foreign followers (btw thanks, guys!) I’ll try to widen my vocabulary more. HAHA!

Going back, yes, my schedule has been tighter than before. Aside from my corporate job and being a mom, I also have personal and work projects and some other things I really am excited to share but I can’t just yet! Here’s what I can share about what’s going on though:
- I got a new role/task at work. Now some of you may think of it “aw, wawa naman si May, another workload!” I honestly thought about that but I am honestly happy about it because I was eyeing that already ever since. *Evil laugh*
- This may not be a big thing, but we just got our new TV I bought from my own pocket. Made me realize how much I really want to invest in appliances and gadgets. And how much I want to earn a new house already!
- It’s funny though, that I cannot buy clothes for myself but I spend too much on Toyang’s. I mean she’s only 3 months!
- I am launching a small reading project since my time for reading slowly is slipping away and I don’t want to lose that! Opo, matutulog pa ako kahit na ang dami kong gusting gawin sa buhay.
What I realized is we actually find what we are looking for, it’s just people are too hungry for more that’s why we think we don’t get what we need. Lesson in life: dream, work, appreciate, live.

I would also like to share some milestones of my bebe. She’s almost three months now, weighing almost 5kls with the length of 21+ inches. She just got her piercings last week and OMG she’s just so adorable!

We noticed her eyes are moving more since she turned 2 months, she can actually follow your movements already, and she’s now more interested on listening to stories, and she also makes noises and moans already and she can actually hold her stuffed toys na! She’s getting stronger, and she can support her back already, she got more matakaw, she’s already playful. What makes me smile most is her “nougat”. A pair of white something slowly coming out her gums. Can a two-month old baby start teething? Apparently, yes. Her sleeping routine is okay at 4-6 hours, dodo, then sleeps again. She already plays during the day and don’t leave her alone while awake or she’ll cry like a monster.
That’s it for today. I just had to update my blog and say THANKS to everyone reading and following me here. More baby updates on my next posts, maybe?